๐Ÿ† Stake on Liquid Lockers

๐Ÿ† Stake on Liquid Lockers

You recently acquired a governance token and you want to unlock its full potential. You have just read the Voting Escrow Guide and you have only one thing that you don't want, lock your token for 4 years.

Here's the solution : Stake DAO Liquid Lockers.

How ?

Open the Lockers tab (opens in a new tab) on the Stake DAO website, and pick the locker you're interested in.


And now what ?

You get redirected to an advanced page of the locker picked (in our case, it's the CRV Locker)

On this page, you will see various data about the Liquid Locker, such as the TVL (Total Value Locked), the breakdown of the yields from staking sdCRV, the contracts related to the Liquid Locker and more. Also if you connect your wallet, you will see your current position on the Liquid Locker.


Let me in !

You have two ways to get some sdTOKENs



Minting is the "classic" way to get sdTOKENs. You will approve your tokens to the depositor, then when executing the mint action the depositor will mint the sdTOKEN and send them to you, aswell as sending your governance tokens to the Liquid Locker.

On the top right you can see two switchs :

  • Stake : if you want to stake your tokens directly into the liquidity gauge and start earning rewards, you can toggle this switch and the depositor will deposit your sdTOKENS for you in a single transaction. You will be able to withdraw these tokens from the gauge later if you want.
  • Gas Optimized : This feature is made to reduce gas cost on minting. If you toggle this switch, you will get 99.9% of your amount as sdTOKEN, and your governance tokens will not be directly sent to the Locker. These 0.1% left will then be on hold in the depositor until a user mints without gas optimized option and gets this little tip. When should I enable this feature ? It depends on the amount you want to mint and the gas price. Let's say you want to mint 1000 CRV, and toggling the option saves you 0.01 ETH but makes you lose 1 CRV, you can consider depending on CRV and ETH prices.

NB : Some lockers are cross chain, select the chain you want on your wallet provider and it will mint accordingly.


Buy tab

All Liquid Lockers have a liquidity pool associated containing the underlying token and its corresponding sdTOKEN. Depending on the market, you can have more (or less!) sdTOKENs for an amount of governance token by buying than by minting. Once bought, if you want to stake the sdTOKENs into the liquidity gauge, you will be able to do so on the following tab.

One last step

Now that you have your sdTOKENs, you also have the voting power ! Some user are willing to pay for these votes, and if you don't want to chase for these votes incentives, you can delegate your voting power to Stake DAO, that will vote for you and redirect incentives to you every two weeks.
