๐Ÿฆ Treasury

๐Ÿฆ Overview of Stake DAO Treasury Management

Stake DAO utilizes a strategic approach for its treasury management, ensuring assets are effectively used to support and sustain its operations.

Stake DAO's wallets accross chains:

Stake DAO fundation wallet : 0x40b4b1a259d48d96f08f099deb07efad31a2eb2a - DeBank Link (opens in a new tab)

Transparency is a key aspect of Stake DAO's treasury operations:

  • Real-time monitoring of Holdings and Transactions is possible through the DeBank Multisig Wallet.
  • The multisig wallet setup of Stake DAO requires 4 out of 7 signatures for transaction execution.
  • The treasury is not only used to generate yield, but mainly to maintain the liquidity of both SDT and the various sdTOKEN/TOKEN pairs through votes and votes incentives.

The management of Stake DAO's treasury involves a careful balance of revenue maximization and operational expense coverage, all within a framework of security and transparency. The treasury management, through prudent asset management in the multisig wallet, is dedicated to ensuring the long-term sustainability and success of Stake DAO.