๐Ÿ” Governance with veSDT

๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Protocol Governance with veSDT

Shaping the future

๐Ÿ’ฐ Locker Allocations

With veSDT, users can vote for SDT inflation to be directed towards Liquid Lockers.

The current weights, SDT rewards, and APRs are displayed on the locker allocation (opens in a new tab) page.

Understanding the differences between the two types of gauges displayed on the page is crucial.

๐Ÿ“ˆ Strategies Allocations

Users can also vote for SDT inflation to be directed towards Strategies.

The current weights, SDT rewards, and APRs are displayed on the strategies allocation (opens in a new tab) page.

๐Ÿ“Š New Gauges Votes

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Only users who have at least 2500 veSDT (10,000 SDT locked for one year, or 5000 for two) can create new gauge votes.

Users can vote on this page to add new gauges to the SDT Gauge Controller. The voting period lasts for 7 days.

๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Governance

Here, you can vote for all matters concerning the Stake DAO protocol with your veSDT. This is where all the important decisions are made.

The voting process utilizes the stakedao.eth (opens in a new tab) snapshot space, and all decisions and drafts are stored on Stake DAO Governance (opens in a new tab).